What to Ask During A Hearing Consultation

What to Ask During A Hearing Consultation

If you have come to realize that you need a hearing examination, you have already taken the first step on the way to a solution! Too many people live with unassisted hearing loss each year, and you will be thrilled to find out what options are available to you. Now that you have made the appointment to meet with your audiologist or hearing specialist, you may be curious what to expect during your meeting. Similarly, you will want to come prepared with a list of questions to ask during your consultation. You may want to write down these questions or even coordinate with a friend or loved one to have help remembering all the questions you will need to ask. The following are a few of the things you will need to find out during your consultation with a hearing specialist or audiologist. Although it is possible that your service provider will offer this information to you, this list of questions will help you come prepared incase something is forgotten in your conversation.


What kind of hearing loss do I have?

After your hearing exam is completed, you will need to find out the specifics of how your hearing has been lost. Some people incur immediate hearing loss from exposure to a very loud sound, such as an explosion or car accident, while others might have sudden hearing loss due to exposure to chemicals or related to a serious illness. However, the much more common form of hearing loss is gradual, occurring through a lifetime of exposure to sound. This type of hearing loss can be more difficult to notice, because it happens in slow increments through life. You will also want to ask what kinds of sound will be likely for you to struggle to hear. For example, you may have lost your hearing in the range of human speech, and you can expect to take steps to fill in the gaps in communication. Be sure to clarify which kind of hearing loss you have before moving on to other questions.


What options are available for hearing assistance?

Within the world of hearing aids, an ever-increasing range of options is available. If you were left to your own devices, you might find that it is impossible to wade through the many choices. Lucky for you, your hearing specialist is there to give you a range of possibilities that are suited to your needs. However, you will still want to inquire about the options out there, making sure that you are getting a good sense of the blend of functionality and price that will suit your needs and your budget. For instance, you might find some features like Bluetooth compatibility to be useful to you, while others might be an unnecessary additional expense. In addition, be sure to mention to your hearing specialist if you have any problems with dexterity or arthritis. Unless your fingers are very nimble, some of the tiniest hearing aids may be difficult to insert and remove.


How will I need to maintain my hearing aids?

Once you have selected your hearing aids, you will want to keep them in optimum working order for as long as possible. Some simple things like cleaning and keeping a fresh battery will be necessary to make sure your aids are ready for you when you need them. Some hearing aids are water resistant, and some are even designed to withstand immersion in water. However, some other hearing aids are more sensitive to moisture, so you will want to clarify how to clean and store your aids safely.


How long will my hearing aids last?

In the balancing act of functionality and price, you will want to make sure you are getting hearing aids that are designed to last as long as possible. Although the newest hearing aids come equipped with rechargeable batteries that can last for years to come with regular charging, you will want to know the expected lifetime of your hearing aids, including whether the rechargeable battery will wear out at some point. With a wise selection and proper maintenance, you should be able to rely on your new hearing aids for years to come.


Swift Audiology

If you’ve experienced changes in your hearing, contact us at Swift Audiology today. We provide comprehensive hearing health services, including hearing tests and hearing aid fittings. We’re here to help you on the journey to better hearing. Contact us today!