If you’re considering wearing just one hearing aid, or already do, you may want to reconsider.
There are many advantages of wearing two hearing aids, including:
- better sound sensitivity
- enhanced ability to locate sound
- improved listening
Our human auditory system is designed to pick up sound signals from both ears. When we compromise that system, it’s hard to determine the direction of sound, and conversations become more challenging. Perhaps you even strain to hear with your “good ear”, which leads to fatigue and frustration.
When hearing aids are worn in both ears, speech is easier to understand and listening becomes more natural. Many people find this to be especially true when faced with loud background noise, such as in restaurants. The reason being, you’re able to more effectively separate and determine the direction of sounds when you hear equally out of both ears.
Still not convinced? According to recent studies, the longer you use just one hearing aid, the more likely auditory deprivation can occur. This means your brain loses some of its ability to process information due to a lack of sound simulation.
There’s no denying that one hearing aid can improve your hearing, but using two hearing aids can often improve it better.